Three Physician Brothers

Three Physician Brothers: Bian Que

Three Physician Brothers

Thousands of years ago during the Warring States period (407-310 BC) there was a physician known for his medical skills in the land which modern man calls China. People called him 扁鵲 Bian Que which was the highest honor for a doctor in ancient times, however his given name was 秦越人 Qin Yueren.

One day 扁鵲 Bian Que was asked by the King, “Who amongst your brothers is the best physician?”

扁鵲 Bian Que answered, “My oldest brother is the best. My second brother is better than me. Actually, I am just average.”

“But you are the one who is famous throughout the land! Why do you say your brothers are better than you?” exclaimed the King.

Bian Que & Prevention

扁鵲 Bian Que gave the King the following explanation:

“My oldest brother practices prevention. He sees the source of an illness and treats it long before his patients start experiencing any symptoms. As a result people do not realize how much their physician does for them and so he is not on their mind.”

“My other brother treats his patients the moment they experience the first symptoms of an illness. He heals them before the ailment progresses any further and as a result people notice and appreciate his skill.”

“As for me, people come to see me when they are already very sick. I use various methods to treat them: strongest herbs, most powerful acupuncture treatments and even surgeries! Sadly, in most cases, I am unable to help my patients. However, from time to time, I manage to save a person’s life. And that is what people love to talk about which is the reason for my fame.”

The King understood 扁鵲 Bian Que’s meaning: the best physician is the one who prevents his patients from becoming sick, not the one who tries to save them when they are already near death.

OHO Seminars & Prevention

Here at OHO Seminars, we recognize the unparalleled value and effectiveness of prevention and focus on educating the public about how they can utilize it in their own lives.

Of course for us it all started with our founder Jiao Shi who has been an Acupuncture Physician and Doctor of Oriental Medicine for over two decades and is now retired. For many years he has dedicated himself and his expertise to promoting and supporting a strong and healthy community.

To realize his vision he developed the Body Type System which is rooted in prevention and function. His commitment has been to demonstrate to people the ease with which each person can maintain their own optimal health using various simple methods available to continue to thrive.

Commitment is a choice and it bears unblemished fruit.

Navigating Nutrition + The TypeMe Community

Navigating Nutrition + The TypeMe Community


Traditional Chinese Medicine encompasses several methods designed to help patients achieve and maintain health.

In Ancient China, the word for nutrition was yíngyǎng (营养) – and was used to describe how a specific herb or food nourishes yǒuyì (有益) the body’s qì (). Traditional Chinese Medicine advocates achieving harmony and balance. If the correct food or medicine is given, it is considered nourishment. If the wrong food or medicine is given it can produce dysfunction.

Jiao Shi uses a form of Ancient Evaluation to ascertain the body’s constitution. This follows distinct patterns of the human form to determine the energetic expression of a disease process as well as a path to restoration. As the founder of OHO Seminars and developer of the Body Type System™, he has been educating individuals, families, and whole communities on how to create a sustainable and healthy lifestyle for themselves through Navigating Nutrition for more than twenty years.

One of the invaluable tools that he built to practice the Body Type System™ is the Navigating Nutrition + TypeMe Community subscription which is a one year membership with the main goal of guiding people on their path to health and success.

Our members’ journeys to maximize healing begins with a two hour Navigating Nutrition video narrated by Jiao Shi in which he describes the person’s food matrix in depth and also provides information on food synthesis for their body. Once they are clear on the concepts of the Body Type System™ and the energy of food, they are ready to institute and implement the changes according to the system into their life. The TypeMe Community is where theory meets practice and develops into a lifestyle principle.

Jiao Shi’s vision for this virtual gathering place is for people seeking wholeness in life to be able to find answers to their questions, be guided and supported on their journey through Navigating Nutrition, enjoy delicious flavors, get inspired to be creative, discover and explore various foods and cultures, but, most importantly to eat for their specific Body Type in order to return back to function and harmony!

Included in the TypeMe Community are over 100 recipes formatted specifically for each Body Type plus one NEW recipe every week, ingredient lists, snack suggestions, exercise blogs, a Kids corner, discussion groups, access to Jiao Shi and his expertise and much more! Any members of a family that have the same Body Type may share a subscription. TypeMe Community is where practice makes perfect!

Though this nutritional guide is offered but not limited to one year, the skills it helps you develop will extend and support you throughout your entire life!

Create a sustainable and healthy lifestyle for you and your family. Then go out and take an amazing vacation with all that you saved in healthcare bills!