Prevention is Key in Ancient China
In Ancient China a physician received his or her pay only if their patient was well. If a person under their care fell sick, it meant that the doctor did not do his or her job which was to keep them healthy. They then treated the patient for free until they were well again.
For some physicians whose medical responsibility was to keep high level government officials healthy, maintaining their patient’s well being was a matter of life and death. Not only would they be executed, but their families would as well.
Historically people in China have visited their physicians on a regular basis seeking acupuncture, herbal treatments, nutrition suggestions and lifestyle guidance to maintain their Zheng Qi and overall energy for daily function. The mindset practiced by both physicians and the public has been prevention for thousands of years. The doctor’s role was to keep the community healthy. Their whole focus was not on treating an illness but on preventing it.
Body Type Me!
The question you might have is: “How do I practice prevention here and now?” or “How do I stop the never ending and ever draining cycle of doctor visits, prescriptions, medical bills and “We cannot tell what is wrong with you”?” or even “How do I make sure that my energy is high so that I can live my best life every day?”
The first step is to discover what Your Body Type is. Schedule your Body Type Me Initial Consultation in which you will be Body Typed by our founder Jiao Shi, a retired Acupuncture Physician and Doctor of Oriental Medicine.

What To Expect
What can you expect from your initial virtual visit with OHO Seminars and Jiao Shi?
Jiao Shi will briefly explain what Body Type you are, what that means nutritionally and energetically for you, and then go over your consultation questionnaire. He will then answer any questions you might have and make further suggestions such as one of our Nutrition or Exercise Courses. If you are doing a family consultation, Jiao Shi will repeat the same process for each family member.
Body Type Me Initial Consultations are dynamic, engaging and enlightening. Are you ready to take the next step? Prevention is Key!