Your Body’s Dance with The Sun
Did you know that 90% of the human body’s Energetic Function is provided by three main sources? If you are thinking that the hamburger or fresh organic salad you downed last night is one of them, you would be incorrect. In the West it is common to put food above all else where energy is concerned. In reality, it only makes up less than 10% of your body’s entire energetic matrix.
So where does the other 90% come from? Great question, and that is what we will be discussing in our next series here.
The first of these energies we will be focusing on is SUNLIGHT.
“No matter how tall the mountain, it cannot block out the sun.”
–Chinese Proverb
Sunlight According to The Ancients
In the Western paradigm there are arteries, veins, nerves and lymphatic tissue. In the Ancient Chinese anatomy they described 經絡 jīngluò, or rivers and connections, known today as meridians or the primo vascular system.
The meridian system in our bodies reacts to the energy of sunlight just like everything else. The Yang Ming group of meridians which passes through the stomach organ and the large intestine organ literally translates into the “sunlight meridian.”
In ancient understanding, the digestive system was regulated by sunlight which facilitated the body’s digestive process. They believed that when something comes in contact with the sun whether it is viruses, bacteria, fungi, and even food or drink for a long period of time, it begins to break down.
“While the sun is shining, bask in it”
–African Proverb
Your Body’s Dance with The Violet Star
SUN: A star that is the source of light and heat for the planets in the solar system; this luminous body is a celestial body that the Earth and other planets revolve around.
Now, because the Earth and other planets revolve around it, they are in constant communication and have a reaction with the sun.
Next, the sun is not red, yellow or bright white. It is VIOLET, thus ultraviolet rays. Although sunlight is comprised of UVA, UVB , UVC and other types of ultraviolet light, it is the human body’s response to it that is key here.
The auto immune system begins to kick in and the body responds with a mineralized protective coating of copper and carbon, namely melanin when it comes into contact with the sun. In addition to that, various hormones are being manufactured and transformed, like D-3, Serotonin, Melatonin, Dopamine, etc., as well as a myriad of other processes all from contact with the sun.
When Is Sunlight Safe?
The safest times for sun exposure are from sunrise to 1 hour after sunrise, and 1 hour before sunset to sunset. Ten to fifteen minutes per day is all that you need for your body to begin manufacturing the carbon and copper (IE: Melanin) that it needs to function. Even just having an arm or a leg in a sunbeam for that amount of time is sufficient. Once that routine is completed, your body will be manufacturing its own SPF (IE: Melanin) to protect itself during the harsher periods of the day.
The nutrition we receive from our interaction with the sun supports 10-15% of our energetic production. Our body is manufacturing its own melonin, carbon and copper, producing different types of hormones, strengthening its bone system and aiding in its ability to fight off all kinds of different conditions.
And there you have it! A simple explanation of your body’s dance with the sun. For a more in depth dive into sunlight, be sure to sign up for our Navigating Nutrition with The Body Type System Course below.
Until then, get yourself some sun my friends, and enjoy the journey!
Jiao Shi