Professional Body Type Submission Professional Body Type Submission Practitioner Name Practitioner Name First First Last Last Practitioner Email Submission # * Please keep track of which submission number is associated with each patient (#'s 1-50). For privacy reasons, we will not be asking for the name of the patient, and will refer to them by your submission number only. Body Type Photo(s) * Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 516MB Include front, back, sides, and forearm photos. Comments Do you see Thin or Thick? * ThinThick What shape do you see? * DiamondCircleOvalSquareNew OptionHexagonRectangle What Body Type do you see? * Metal Yang - The Dancer/SoldierFire Yang - The PriesthoodFire Yang - The ResearcherEarth Yang - The MotivatorWood Yang - The VisionaryWater Yang - The MentalistMetal Yin - The ThespianFire Yin - The RoyalsEarth Yin - The EngineerWood Yin - The GeneralWater Yin - The GiverWater Yin - The Problem Solver Do you see more than one shape? Write your answer below. Additional Notes/Comments CAPTCHA ADMIN Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.