S.I.C. Daily Vitals Virtual Intake Form

S.I.C. Daily Vitals Virtual Intake Form


This form is required to be filled out once per day in accordance to your scheduled followup. If these forms are not completed, this may impact your scheduled followup.

Morning Data

Please record this information in the morning when you wake up.
Do you have chills or fever?
Have you been perspiring?
If yes, are you prespiring mildly, moderately, or profusely?

Evening Data

Please record this information in the evening before you go to bed.
Do you have chills or fever?
Have you been perspiring?
If yes, are you prespiring mildly, moderately, or profusely?

General Daily Information

Were you in pain today?
Where are you having pain? Please choose all that apply.
Do you have any whitish discharge when not on your menstral cycle or before your menstral cycle?
Is the discharge thick or thin?
Is the thick discharge sticky?
Is the thin discharge profuse and watery?